The Australian Boomerang Effect in Therapy

An early version of a boomerang is a thrown tool designed to be returned to
the thrower used by indigenous Australians for hunting.

If you have ever thrown or read about an Australian boomerang you probably aware it’s coming back to you, and you need to be prepared to catch or duck.

It’s the same with our thoughts or what we say!

 In a phrase: “Whatever you focus on, you attract into your life .”

Simply put, we attract into our lives the result of what we are thinking, saying, seeing.

 It doesn’t matter what the unconscious part of the mind receives from thought, whether negative or positive. It simply receives the message, accepts the message, and delivers the result in the form of an emotional response that mirrors the thought. This is called the Universal Law of Attraction.

 I call it the “Boomerang Effect.”

During my pre-talk Hypnosis session, I brandish a real boomerang similar to the picture on this blog as a reminder to be careful in avoiding negative thought and focus on positive thought.

My experience is that the client starts to say, “Oh, that’s a boomerang.” At the start, they tend to use it in a negative context. Then they may say: “Oh. That’s a good boomerang.” (and they usually laugh).

As I was writing this today, I was thinking of the Biblical passage: “What you Sow, so shall you Reap.” There you go, Boomerang! Now, the word boomerang is in the modern lexicon.

Do consider using the concept of the boomerang during self-talk and conversation with others. I’d be interested in your feedback on overcoming the habit of negative thinking using the boomerang effect?

Peter R. Dufour
541 619 4469

Putting Your Canoe in to the Stream

Just Let Go of the Paddle

From: Dr Peter Dufour

SOURCE: The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Esther & Jerry Hicks

Imagine putting your canoe, with paddle already inside, in a river and floating on the current and then deliberately turning your canoe upstream and paddling with all of your strength against  the flow. And as we see you in your boat, paddling very hard against the current, we ask, “What do you think about turning your canoe downstream and going with the current?”

And most reply, “Turn downstream? Oh, that just seems lazy!”

“But how long can you keep that up?” we ask.

“I’m not sure,” most answer, “but it is my duty or responsibility to figure that out.”

And then, if we were to visit long with most people, they would go on to explain, “This is just what we all do here.” “It’s what my mother did, and her mother before her.” “Anyone who amounts to anything works diligently against  the current.” “All trophies and monuments are erected to honor those hardworking people who stayed strong against  the current.”

“And anyway,” people often remind us, “there are even more rewards after we die for those who work hard like this.”

We watch you getting more efficient at fighting the current. Your muscles get stronger, your boats become sleeker, and you discover more effective paddle. And, always, we listen patiently as we hear a variety of versions on this same general theme of justification for paddling upstream, but then we always explain what we consider to be the most important thing that our physical friends could ever hear from us: Nothing that you want is upstream!

Just Let Go of the Paddle

Most people continually try to calculate the distance from where they are to where they want to be. “How much farther do I have to travel? How much more do I need to do? How much more weight do I need to lose? How much more money do I need?” And this is primarily because, in your physical format, you tend to be action oriented.

We would like you to understand, however, that as you begin to approach your world in terms of vibration rather than action, and in terms of thought rather than in terms of time and space and distance, your ability to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be will be much more efficient.

Sometimes, even when we are offering analogies such as this one about you in your canoe in the Stream, you want to apply your usual action-oriented tendencies. In other words, often our physical friends accept our premise that what they want is downstream, so they want to get pointed in that right direction and then they want to hurry downstream: “How can I get downstream to the things that I desire faster? I’ll focus better. I’ll try harder. I will work longer.” But we want you to understand that those determined attitudes only cause you to again turn upstream. Once you are pointed downstream in this Current of Life, it is not necessary to put a motor on your boat in an attempt to make it go faster. The Current will carry you …         just let go of the paddle.

When you are no longer paddling against the Current — when you release your paddle and relax into your own natural Well-Being — the Current, which is ever moving in the direction of that which you have become and all that you want, will carry you toward your desires.

The belief that there is something to overcome automatically points you upstream. Understanding that all you desire is easily attainable by you automatically points you downstream. And once you understand that, you are practicing the Art of Allowing your natural Well-Being to flow to you, and you to it … and that is the Art of Allowing yourself to be the You that life has caused you to become.

RIDDLE: “When you are clear on what you do want ( health, wealth, and happiness ), the how will show up and then you respond.”

Peter R. Dufour

A Novel Approach to Breathing

A Novel Approach to Breathing
Peter R. Dufour MA, CHT, Ph.D.

The Dufour Method requires an unusual start by breathing “out” instead of breathing “in.” The idea is simple. The lungs and diaphragm are already full of air, therefore the breathing will be shallow. A good analogy would be if you had a full tank of gas, and went to the gas station and asked to fill the tank, you ‘d be told to empty the tank first.

It’s also important to practice “calm and slow” breathing, in order to engage diaphragmatic breathing.

Calm breathing is a tool that you can use whenever you are feeling stressed or anxious. However, it requires practice ahead of time.


Calm breathing involves taking, slow and regular breaths.
Sitting upright is better than lying down or slouching, because
it will increase the capacity of your lungs to fill with air.

Important Reminder
The Dufour Method requires an unusual start by breathing “out,”
the first time through the mouth, instead of “in”. ( about 4 seconds ).

1. Start by breathing out through the mouth in order to empty the
air from the lungs and diaphragm. ( 4 seconds ).

2. Breathe in thru the nose and hold for ( about 2 seconds ).

3. Exhale slowly through the mouth ( for about 4 seconds ).

4. Wait a few seconds before taking another breath.

Note: Practice 6-8 breathing cycles , but find your own rhythm.

Rules of Practice
Do calm breathing several times for at least five minutes every day, while relatively calm.
Master this skill before you need it!

Co-dependency No More

By Peter R. Dufour MA, CHT, Ph.D.

Note:     These statements were written to start a dialogue.

 The following belief statements create negative emotions that can lead to stress, anxiety, and sometimes anger.

  1. “If someone important to me expects me to do something I should do it.”
    Response: Not necessarily. The request may be unreasonable, interfere with something important you are doing, or going against your values.
  2. “I should not be irritable or unpleasant.”
    Response: It’s Ok to express irritability, just do it in a calm way, e.g. “I feel irritable.” (It conveys honesty, and informs a person of your honest mood at the time.)
  3. “I shouldn’t do anything to make others angry at me.”
    Response: The statement conveys to the other person(s) that if they get angry, you will cave it. Don’t do it!
  4. “I should keep people I love happy.”
    Response: Stay away from the word “should” it’s a depressing word. Each individual has to take basic responsibility for their happiness; otherwise they will depend on your doing it for them.! (That’s the essence of co-dependency.)
  5. “It’s usually my fault if someone I care about it is upset with me.”
    Response: It may not be anyone’s fault; perhaps a natural difference of opinion or priorities?
  6. “My self-esteem comes from helping others solve their problems.”
    Response: If asked, and only if asked, you can offer support; however, leaving the ultimate solution to them!
    You don’t want to own the outcome. OK?
  7. “I tend to overextend myself in taking care of others.”
    Response: Setting aside those who are “caregivers”, overextending oneself to the point of exhaustion, or rebellion, could result in serious illness or martyrdom. (Suffering to obtain sympathy).
  8. “If necessary, I’ll put my own values or needs aside in order to preserve my relationship with significant others.”
    Response: Never do that by compromising your values. Remember, your needs are important too.
  9. “Giving is the most important way I have to feel good about myself.”
    Response: The problem is with the words “most important way.” Self-Esteem comes from within!
  10. “Fear of someone else’s anger has a lot of influence on what I say or do.”
    Response: A fatal mistake. When they read your fear, they’re in control. They’re the hammer, you’re the anvil.

Printable version of PERSONAL BILL OF RIGHTS

Personal Bill of Rights

From Peter R. Dufour MA, CHT, Ph.D.

541 619 4469

Note:       Check any you “may be” uncomfortable accepting as a right.

(Please bring to appointment)

  1. I have the right to say no to requests or demands I can’t meet.
  2. I have the right to change my mind.
  3. I have the right to follow my values and standards.
  4. I have the right to personal space and time.
  5. I have the right to change and grow.
  6. I have the right to make mistakes.
  7. I have the right to express my feelings, positive or negative.
  8. I have the right to have my needs and wants respected.
  9. I have the right to express my opinion.
  10. I have the right to be happy.
  11. I have the right not to listen.

Everyone has a right to these entitlements!

© prd/ 4.15.2016

Medical Hypnosis: Pain Control & IBS Relief

Excerpts from The Wall Street Journal*
April 9, 2012
Provided by Peter R. Dufour MA, CHT, Ph.D. 

Medical Hypnosis is one of the oldest and most documented psychologic interventions for reducing clinical pain and suffering. (Doddy, Smith & Webb, 1991).

Hypnosis for Pain Management

In recent years, hypnosis has become more acceptable as an effective therapeutic intervention in a variety of health issues. Scientists differ on theories about the nature of hypnosis; however, it is well known that persons who are hypnotized report positive changes in the way they think, feel, and behave, and often reduces the need for opioid medication.

When in hypnosis, ” We can teach people how to manage pain and anxiety,” says Dr. David Spiegel, psychiatrist and Director of the Center for health & Stress at Stanford University who has studied hypnosis for 40 years. “There’s been this mistake in medicine that if you have a certain amount of tissue damage, you should feel this amount of pain. But many things can alter how much pain you feel.”

There is increasing evidence that hypnosis can be effective in a variety of other medical conditions, from easing migraine headaches to lowering blood pressure, diminishing the side effects of chemotherapy and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Why Consider Hypnosis for IBS?

Dr. Olafur S. Paisson, Psy.D. states that  “Hypnosis  is one of the most successful treatment approaches for chronic IBS. The response rate to treatment is 80% and better in most published studies to date.”

 In the Wall Street Journal dated April 9th, 2012, two studies from Sweden “found that one hour a week of hypnotherapy for 12 weeks eased symptoms of irritable-bowel syndrome in 40% of patients (compared with 12% in a control group) and that the positive effects can last as long as seven years.”

 Of course, there are many other effective treatment options. However, Dr. Olafur Paisson states that “Hypnosis may be especially suitable when severe chronic symptoms continue after standard medical management approaches have been tried. It [hypnosis] utilizes the healing power of the person’s own mind. . . it is a uniquely comfortable form of treatment, relaxing, easy, and generally enjoyable.”


If you are experiencing these or other issues that impact your health, call Dr. Dufour at 541-619-4469 to discuss whether he would be able to help you.

*Used with permission from The Wall Street Journal, Copyright 2016 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Secret to Success

By Peter R. Dufour, MA, CHT, Ph.D.
From the book: The Experiment
Authored by Peter R. Dufour

In order to be successful in life pursuits; e.g. health, wealth, and happiness; an important starting point is to be clear on what you do want, rather than what you don’t want.

To be precise:

” When you are CLEAR on what you want, the HOW will show up.”

Focusing on what you do want is a function of the thinking part of the mind, i.e. the conscious part of the mind.

Once you are clear on what you do want, the conscious mind automatically turns the wish over to the unconscious part of the mind which then will automatically provide the specific steps on how to implement the desired goal. . . no conscious effort is required. In fact, any conscious effort to figure out how to achieve your desired goal will interfere with achieving your goal.

In a nutshell:
“Decide what you do want, and forget about it.”

Sound confusing? Let me explain!

 The deeper part of your mind, i.e. the unconscious mind is the part of the mind that knows how many times to beat your heart every minute, how much you need to breathe, how to drive a car. It knows how to digest food, and it regularly does all of the above and more without your having to think about it. Your unconscious mind is also the part of the mind that knows how all of your desires fit together, the most important being health, wealth, and happiness. Everything you could possible want in life falls into one of the three categories mentioned above.


The above illustration captures the essence of the how our mind works, i.e. what I call “The Dual Mind.”

Whatever you are thinking or saying is like using the keyboard of a personal computer that focuses on what you want to know, then you forget how you will obtain the information, and the computer will automatically show the answer on the screen. The main point is no effort is required to retrieve the answer.

It just happens!
Call me with any questions at 541 619 4469


In my book, “The Experiment“,  I detail the method and steps one needs to take in order to create a life of health, wealth and love. I’m making available to the readers of this blog a free copy of my book. Simply email me your name, address, and phone number, with your request, to and I’ll ship it to you at no charge.

Peter R. Dufour MA, CHT, Ph.D.

The Startling Power of the Subconsious Mind

By Peter R. Dufour MA,CHT, Ph.D.
From the book: The Experiment
Authored by Peter R. Dufour

An important feature of the subconscious mind is that it is not logical, and doesn’t recognize fact from fiction. The subconscious mind will carry out any thought that is conveyed by the conscious mind, whether it’s negative or positive. It is called The Law of Attraction. It’s a universal law that applies to everyone. . . .

The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like.” Another way of saying this is “whatever you think about, you attract into your life.” The secret to applying The Law of Attraction in your life is to keep your mind on the things that you do want and off the things that you don’t want.

It is very simple. Every time that you focus the power of your thought on the object of your desire, with strong emotion, you are magnetizing the object of your desire to you.

It is imperative to remember that the subconscious mind responds quickly when there is a strong feeling behind the thought or command. In the powerful book of Napoleon Hill, titled Think and Grow Rich, he states, “plain unemotional words to do not influence the subconscious mind. You will not get results until you learn to reach the subconscious mind with thoughts, or spoken words which are emotionally expressed.


The lack of understanding, and implementing the previous admonition is the main reason the majority of people fail in realizing their dreams and goals.

A GIFT for You

During the months of April and May 2016, I’m making available to the readers of this blog a free copy of my book, The Experiment that further explains the steps that are required to succeed on implementing The Law of Attraction.

Simply telephone me at 541-619-4469 (between the hours of 8 AM and 5PM Monday to Friday) to speak to me. If I cannot answer, leave a message with your name, phone number, and address with your request, and I’ll ship it to you with no charge.

Goal Setting: The Rule of 3

From the book: The Experiment
Authored by Peter R. Dufour

Each Goal needs to follow the Rule of 3:

Rule 1:         Positive. Make sure that you actually ask for what you do want rather than what you don’t want.

Rule 2:         Present Tense. Make sure it’s stated as if it were true right now so that you can imagine it’s true and get all the wonderful feelings that you would experience if it were true right now. This is because your feelings are the magnetic force that draws the goal to you . This is called the Law of Attraction.

Rule 3:         Personal. Make sure that it’s a goal for you, not for someone else, because you’re not qualified to decide what’s right for someone else. You’re only qualified to decide what’s right for you. And the way that you know if its right for you is if it feels good.

A brief example of the Rule of 3 is that instead of writing, ” I don’t want to be fat anymore.” You might instead write:

” I am happy and slim at my ideal weight of _____lbs.” Or even better, ” I love being slim weighing ____lbs.”

Notice how the goal is stated in positive terms, notice how it is stated in the present tense, and notice that it’s a goal that you know you feel good about because it’s a personal goal, and you’re the only one who’s in touch with your feelings.

In my book, The Experiment, the Rule of 3 is applied in the areas of health, wealth, and happiness. The book is designed to teach you how to create your life, the way you want it.

A GIFT for You

During the month of March 2016, I’m making available to the readers of this blog a free copy of my book, “The Experiment”. Simply email to me your name, address, phone number, with your request and I’ll ship it to you at no charge.

E mail: